Creating tasks is the most common action taken in Artemis.

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All workspace members can edit a task's title, plan, and properties.

Task Property Meaning
Status Signifies the stage the task is in. As you approve tasks and run trajectories, tasks move throughout the funnel.

They are categorized by • To Do • Planned • Ready For Review • Completed • Cancelled | | Priority | Signifies the complexity of the task and impact on organization.

They are grouped by • Low • Medium • High • Showstopper • No Priority | | Project | Sort task by projects to better organize | | Branch | The GitHub branch associated with the PR the task is making changes on. |

Create Task

You can create a task by selecting the pen icon in the top right corner of the Tasks page.

Edit Task

You can edit a task title or plan by clicking directly on the title or plan and editing inline.

Generate Plan

Once a task is created, you can press the Generate Plan button, and the platform will leverage resources to build a plan to solve the task. If you want to edit or change a task plan, click the text box and edit inline. This will move a task from the To Do to the Planned category.

Execute Trajectory

In the Planned category, the button on the bottom right of the text box will become “Execute.” Press this button to start a trajectory, moving a task from the Planned category to the Ready For Review category.